It is a clinical term used when pain and other nurological symptoms resulting from nerve compression at any level in the cervical spine. We provide the best ayurvedic treatments for Certical Radicolopathy depending on the symptomps. Book your appointment now.

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Between each cervical vertebrae (C1 to C7), Cervical nerves emerges and make branches to supply the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers to function. They also carry sensory fibers to the skin and muscles that provide sensation. (C8 emerges between C7 and T1).

When any nerve root in the cervical spine is compressed, the neurological symptoms can radiate along that nerve's pathway into the arm and hand.

The patient's specific cervical radiculopathy symptoms will depend primarily on which nerve is affected. The symptoms may also be referred to as radicular pain.

Causes of Cervical Radiculopathy:

The most common causes include:

  • Cervical Herniated Disc: If the inner material of the cervical disc herniates and   impinges on the adjacent nerve, it can cause a Cervical Radiculopathy.
  • Cervical Spinal Stenosis : Narrowing of the Cervical spinal canal
  • Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease: When the cervical spine degenerates over time (Dehydration etc.), it can result in degenerated discs associated with a pinched nerve.

Sometimes cervical radiculopathy can be caused by other conditions, such as a tumor or fracture which can compress the cervical nerve roots.

Cervical Radiculopathy

Cervical Radiculopathy Symptoms:

Patients with cervical radiculopathy typically feel pain, weakness or numbness in the areas served by the damaged nerve. Pain can be in one area only, like the shoulder, or progress along the entire arm.

The type of pain also can vary. Some patients describe dull, all over pain; others describe the pain as severe burning or sharp. Patients may feel tingling, "pins and needles," or numbness. Certain neck movements, like bending the neck back, side to side, or rotating it, may increase the pain.

  • C5-C6 (C6 nerve root): A C5-C6 disc herniation can cause weakness in the biceps (muscles in the front of the upper arms) and wrist extensor muscles. Numbness and tingling along with pain can radiate to the thumb side of the hand. This is one of the most common levels for a cervical disc herniation to occur.
  • C6-C7 (C7 nerve root): A herniated disc in this area can cause weakness in the triceps (muscles in the back of the upper arm and extending to the forearm) and the finger extensor muscles. Numbness and tingling along with pain can radiate down the triceps and into the middle finger. This level is also one of the most common areas for a cervical disc herniation.
  • C7-T1 (C8 nerve root): This level is located at the very bottom of the neck, where the cervical spine meets the thoracic spine. Herniation of disc at this level can cause weakness with handgrip, along with numbness and tingling and pain that radiates down the arm to the little finger side of hand.


  • According to primary cause 
Consult Prashamana Pain Clinic now for 100% ayurvedic and side effect free treatment for Cervical Radiculopathy, To get an appointment Call: 9426910461 now.