Rasayana or Rejuvenation therapy is a gift to human kind given by our great Acharya about 5000 years ago. We often read in our classics that our saints lived long healthy life. The secret behind this long life was Rasayana therapy. PPSC has revived the old and less known Rasayana therapy. 


    A person who undergoes rejuvenation therapy attains longevity, memory, intellect, freedom from diseases, youth, excellence of luster, complexion and voice, excellent potentiality of the body  and the sense organs, Vak-sidhdhi (what he says comes true, respect and brilliance.)
    The means by which one gets the excellence of Rasa (the nourishing fluid which is produced immediately after digestion etc.) is known as Rasayana or Rejuvenation therapy. 
The advantages of Rasayana therapy are detailed below:
Keeps your skin young forever
    Who wants to be old? Nobody.  Everybody wants to remain young and dashing forever. Today our lifestyle has ruined our life. A lot of stress, dietary imbalance (we eat which should not & we don’t eat which should be), sleeping at late night, lack of exercise etc. are becoming a part of daily routine. We enjoy all this rubbish; but it affects our body and mind very badly; it affects our quality of life; it affects our skin, heart, brain etc. organs. First of all effect is seen on skin very fast. It mainly affects our skin luster. Then people starts using so called natural creams as shown in TV ads and news papers. It can’t help u anymore. 
    Skin glow comes from inner side. Ayurveda has a power to enhance your beauty naturally. PPSC provides Rejuvenating therapy to keep your skin young and fresh. With this therapy, your skin wrinkles will appear lately, dull skin turns bright and skin luster will be improved.
Keeps you healthy forever
    Everybody wants to be healthy forever. As per definition given in Ayurveda (Sushruta Samhita), he is a healthy who’s Dosha, Agni (digestive fire), Dhatus (Various systems and tissue), Malas (waste products) and their activities are normal; soul, sense organs and mind are calm.


    As per above definition, I think no one is healthy in the world in Today’s era. Ayurveda aims to keep people healthy forever about 5000 years ago. Acharya Charaka stated in his classic ‘Charaka Samhita’ about 2 aims of Ayurveda.
    1.    Keep one’s health intact who is already healthy
    2.    To cure diseases 


Here aim to be healthy forever is given first. For this purpose, PPSC provides Rejuvenating therapy which can be implemented in newborn to aged persons. 
If we will be healthy, we can live our dreams. 
Increase memory power and intelligence
    Today parents commonly complain that their children study a lot, but can’t get satisfactory result. So they begin to give different supplement after seeing TV ads and newspapers. With this, advantage occurs, but to whom?  To pharma companies obviously…
Rejuvenating therapy provided by PPSC is purely natural and based on 5000 years old classics. It enhances intrinsic power of a person. It accelerates body’s own mechanical system to improve memory power. Rasayana therapy keeps memory power and intelligence intact for a long time at old age. 
Keeps your sensory organs intact 
    As we get old, our sensory organs like eye, ear, nose etc. get weaker and weaker. But today school going children are having low vision power. Rasayana therapy keeps our vision power, hearing ability etc. intact and powerful till long time. 
Keeps you immunity proof
    Rasayana therapy improves immunity power naturally. It saves you from attack of unwanted allergens. Children are more prone to get infected. They often suffer from viral fever, nasal dischaege, flu etc due to low immunity and seasonal changes. Rasayana therapy keeps your body immunity proof and save your child from seasonal changes.  
Enhance your personality
    Rasayana therapy improves confidence…improves interacting power…improves speech.
Stops hair falling and graying
    Everybody wants black dense hair. Today we see school going children’s hair turns white and college going students get baldness whereas our grandpa still has hair on their head. What is the reason behind that? Our lifestyle. All people on the earth have different unique ‘prakruti’. Our lifestyle must be according to our ‘Prakruti’. Rasayana therapy helps in premature hair falling and graying. 
Makes physique attractive
    PPSC provides “weight management program” for obese and thin persons.     
Increase libido (Sexual Power)
    Rasayana improves Dhatus from Rasa to Shukra (Semen). It increases libido (Sexual power) with combination of ‘Vajikarana therapy’.
Cures diseases also    

It helps us in staying healthy as well as curing disease given below.

  •     Increase body weight, muscle mass
  •     Nervous system disorders
  •     Depression
  •     Hair falling, hair graying etc.
  •     Degenerative disorders like osteoarthritis, degenerative back pain, cerebellar atrophy, Parkinsonism and many more.